6 Ways to Improve Customer Trust
People buy from those they know, like, and trust. “Knowing” comes from marketing and advertising. “Like” is cultivated by showing potential customers your human and endearing side. But how in the world do you help someone with minimal interaction with you and your business, trust you? It’s not as hard as you may think. 1. Be Transparent in Your Copy Stay away from extreme superlatives—biggest, cheapest, most awesome ever. These claims make you sound like a disputable business and often are hard to believe. If you want to make an “-est” claim because you truly believe it, consider a guarantee to back up your word such as “cheapest price on this item in town or we’ll refund you the difference.” Someone who’s willing to make that claim must have confidence in it. 2. Work at Getting More Reviews People believe reviews written by strangers much more than they believe marketing copy. Focus at least part of your marketing on improving th...