
Showing posts from March, 2017

8 Ways to Get Noticed on Social Media Today

© Can Stock Photo Inc. / iqoncept There's a lot of noise on the social media channels and getting noticed can seem a task akin to pushing a large bolder up an icy slope in gale-force winds blowing down off of the mountain. But it's not as hard as you think. Here are several tips to help you get your business noticed today. Post the Easy Shares There are certain types of posts that a large number of people respond to. These include: Funny posts Statistic or data posts (if it's from your business, even better) Inspirational quotes Dramatic images These sorts of posts are easy because not only are they popular with most audiences, you're not creating them, merely curating them. A quick search will land you several. You can auto-schedule them for times throughout your week.  Use Images This is easy if your business is a restaurant but if it doesn't lend itself to images, you can still be creative. Use pictures of your community, the weather, your...